What is Future Perfect Tense, rules and uses with examples?
What is Future Perfect Tense
Future perfect tense is used to express any action that will be completed before any action occurs in the future. Grammatically, Future perfect tense is composed of two main parts: Auxiliary verb (will have) and 3rd form of verb.
If we explain it with the help of an expression, then it can be written as follow.
Future Perfect Tense= Subject + will have (Auxiliary Verb) + 3rd form of verb + Object.
Let’s take an example to elaborate Future perfect tense
The train will have left by the time we reach at station.
In the example it is stated that when we reach at station, the bus will have left from the station in the future. In many cases, future perfect tense is used by a time make like by when. Now let’s discuss structure of Future perfect tense with the help of some examples.
Structure of Future perfect tense
Positive Sentence
In positive sentences, we simply make the sentences according to Future Perfect Tense rules.
For Example
I will have finished my task by Sunday.
She will have completed her job before the deadline
We will have played the cricket by Monday.
By this time, we will have reached at our home.
Leena will only have learned the basics of English Grammar.
Negative Sentences in the Future Perfect Tense
When we make negative sentences, we normally use not in between auxiliary verbs.
Negative Future Perfect Tense = Subject+ will + not +have + 3rd form of verb +Object
For example
I will not have seen her before summer vacation.
We will not have decorated his home before they come.
The match will not have started by this time tomorrow.
They will not have told me the answer by this time on Monday.
You will not have got the prize money by this time you starts college in August.
Yes/No Questions in the Future Perfect Tense
When you make any question that can be answered as yes or no, then you should start it with auxiliary verb followed by second Auxiliary verb have, the subject and the base verb.
Yes/No Sentences = Will + Subject + have + 3rd form of verb +Object?
For example
Will she have made design before she gives her presentation?
Will they have gone for the trip by the time I reach?
Will you have caught that cat before she drinks the milk?
Will I have bought a new computer by this time next week?
Will she have worked for us before next month?
Wh- Questions in the Future Perfect Tense
When you make any question that starts with wh word, then you should start it from wh word and then add auxiliary verb, after that Subject followed by second Auxiliary verb have, base form.
Wh words are when, why, who, where, whom, how, what, how much, how many.
WH Sentences = Wh word + Had + Subject + 3rd form of verb +Object?
For example
Where will he have lived before ho goes to America?
Why will you have married before July?
When will Steve have come back from England?
What will you have done before your meeting with client?
Tag Questions in the Future Perfect Tense
Tag questions are those questions which are answered at the end of the sentence. They can be simply made by adding auxiliary verbs.
For examples
I will have gone to the market, will not you have?
She will have done this task, will not she have?
You can also use tag questions in positive sentences
She will not have read news paper, will she have?
Those girls will not have played basketball, will they have?
So these are examples of future perfect tense according to structure.
More Examples to unfold some other aspects of future perfect tense
Why will you have not done this task ?
I will not have worked by this time.
Why will you have not applied this force?
By this time, will we not have bunked the class?
Will you all boys not have left that ground by this time Peon come?
Rules and uses of Future perfect tense
Future Indicating word before till and by
With Non continuous Tense
Simple present tense after words before and when
Occurred action before anything in future
Future Indicating word before till and by
To express any action in which future indicating words like next. Tomorrow and now is given. At that place we often use future perfect tense.
For example
He will have given you money back by next month.
I will have revised my complete syllabus by the day after tomorrow.
Leana will have drunk milk by now.
They will have eaten the food till I reach there.
With Non continuous Tense
To express any duration before something in the future, we use future perfect tense.
For example
She will have been in America for 2 months.
I will have been in that show for 3 hours.
Simple present tense after words before and when
To explain any action in which simple present tense is given after words like before and when. For this type of action future perfect tense is used.
For example
He will have killed the snake before I reach at home.
You will have typed the complete lesson before the teacher comes in the class.
We will have completed out syllabus before the exam starts.
Occurred action before anything in future
If any action has completed before something happens in the future then to express these actions we use future perfect tense.
For example
I will have viewed you profile by the time you log in.
She will have left the school by next month.
By the time we come in, he will have cooked entire food for us.
So these are the rules and uses of future perfect tense.
I hope you have enjoyed this article and get what you wanted. So this was all about what is Future Perfect Tense, rules and uses with examples. If you feel any problem regarding this topic then comment below so that we can solve out your problems.
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