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Showing posts with label Daily-Star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily-Star. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Daily Star Vocabulary 24-04-2017 Part-01

Daily Star Vocabulary 24-04-2017

###-Moving forward from the Rana Plaza tragedy ..(Editorial )
1. debris - ধ্বংসাবশেষ(relic,wreckage)
2. Inspection and remediation - পরিদর্শন এবং প্রতিকার
3. apathy - ঔদাসীন্য(nonchalance, indifference)
4. rehabilitate - পুনর্বাসন
5. reemploy - পুনর্নির্মাণ
6. preparedness for damage - ক্ষতির জন্য প্রস্তুতি
7. compensation programme - ক্ষতিপূরণ প্রোগ্রাম
### - Be combat-ready......(Front Page)
1. combat - যুদ্ধ
2. military amidst - মধ্যস্থতাকারী সামরিক বাহিনী
3. unremitting - অবিরাম
###-Busting of extremists' dens ..............(sub editorial)
1. Busting - raid or search (premises where illegal activity is suspected).
2. extremists' dens - জঙ্গী ডেরা
3. procuring explosive materials - বিস্ফোরক দ্রব্যাদি সংগ্রহ করা
4. counterterrorism agencies - সন্ত্রাসবিরোধী সংস্থাগুলি
5. handmade detonators - হস্তনির্মিত বিস্ফোরক
6. improvised explosive device - উদ্ভাবিত বিস্ফোরক দ্রব্য
Full sub editorial......
Busting of extremists' dens
Stop militants from procuring explosive
Quite a few extremist dens have been discovered by law enforcing and counterterrorism agencies across the country in recent times. We congratulate our law enforcers and counterterrorism experts for their most recent success in identifying and busting one such den in Jhenaidah, which was apparently being used as a bomb-making factory from where explosives were supplied to other militant dens. Consequently, the amount of bomb-making material that was discovered there is, indeed, concerning.
Besides a large number of handmade detonators, a pressure cooker bomb and a 7.65mm pistol, police also recovered 20 containers from the den, all filled with nearly 30 litres of hydrogen peroxide. According to bomb disposal experts, the material recovered could have been used to manufacture about 500 to 1,000 bombs the size of a grenade. Furthermore, they said that the chemical is locally available at a low price and is mainly used in laboratories at colleges or universities and big industries.
What is important for the authorities to find out now is how and from where the militants managed to procure such massive quantities of bomb-making material. Surely they must have obtained them in a planned way. Whereas small arms in the wrong hands are of course dangerous, what is perhaps even more dangerous because of their potential damage capacities are such small bombs and improvised explosive devices.
The authorities should thus make the procurement of such materials more difficult. Oversight in sales, purchases and uses of these items should be made a priority.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Daily Star Vocabulary 22-04-2017 Part-02

Daily Star Vocabulary 22-04-2017

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দগুলোর অর্থসহ আজকের "The Daily Star" পত্রিকার সম্পাদকীয়। (তথ্য ও তত্ত্ব জানার পাশাপাশি English proficiency বৃদ্ধির উত্তম সুযোগ)
By: জুবায়রুল হাসান, শাবি
1. aqua-life - জলজ প্রাণী
2. fortnight - পনেরো দিন, একপক্ষ
3. plight of - সঙ্কটাপন্ন অবস্থা
4. flash floods - আকস্মিক বন্যা
5. water haverotted - জলের স্রোত??
6. severe depletion - গুরুতর হ্রাস
7. species - প্রজাতি
8. aftermath of - পরিণাম
9. upstream - উজানমুখী
10. cognizance - অবগতি
11. eventually - অবশেষে
12. to preclude - প্রতিরোধ করা
13. launched - চালু করা
Deaths of aqua-life in haors
Determine the actual cause quickly
For the last fortnight the haors, in greater Sylhet particularly, have been in the news. First for the plight of the nearly quarter million people who are dependent on the haors for their livelihood. On that are the shocking pictures of large numbers of deaths of aqua-life following the flash floods. The argument that the un-harvested crops that went under water haverotted and might have caused the deaths holds no water since this is not the first time that these areas have been visited by flash floods. But we do not recall such deaths in the past.
It is also true that the waters of the haor areas have been contaminated to such an extent to have caused severe depletion of oxygen in the water affecting different species of fishes of that area. But this state of the haors have been there for quite some time. So why the deaths, and more so immediately in the aftermath of the flash flood caused by water from upstream?
In this regard we feel that the report in this paper on Friday suggesting that uranium might have something to do with the deaths should be taken into cognizance. Reportedly, the open uranium mines in Meghalaya, overflooded by rain, might have contaminated the water of the upstream rivers, and eventually our rivers.
However, we would like to put our faith in the statement of the Meghalaya deputy chief minister that uranium has nothing to do with it. And that makes the need for a quick analysis to preclude the presence of uranium and determine the real cause of the deaths. If need be a joint investigation can be launched with the Meghalaya government in this regard since marine life has been similarly affected in Meghalaya also.

Friday, 21 April 2017

The Daily Star_Editorial: 22.04.2017

Daily Star Vocabulary 22-04-2017

###- The demographic catastrophe that launched Trump......(Editorial)
1. baffle - কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় করা(elude,puzzle)
2. mendacious - মিথ্যাবাদী(untruthful, fictitious)
3. narcissist - স্বকামী ব্যক্তি
4. culinary programme - রন্ধনসম্পর্কীয় অনুষ্ঠান
5. disillusioned - মোহমুক্ত
6. Predominantly rural - মূলত গ্রামীণ
7. tumultuous economic change - তীব্র অর্থনৈতিক পরিবর্তন
8. Rising morbidity and mortality - ক্রমবর্ধমান রোগ এবং মৃত্যুহার
9. racial and ethnic group - নৃগোষ্ঠীগত এবং জাতিগত গ্রুপ
10. ethnic disparity - জাতিগত বৈষম্য
11. wage stagnation - মজুরি স্থিরতা
12. rekindle - পুনরুজ্জীবিত
13. blissfully unaware - অগোছালোভাবে অজানা
###- Unbridled BCL men ..............(sub editorial)
1. Unbridled - লাগামহীন
2. reined - রাজত্ব
3. forced to postpone - স্থগিত করতে বাধ্য হয়েছিল
4. barred - নিষেধাজ্ঞা জারি করা
5. assaulting - মারধর
6. disruption - বিঘ্ন
7. punitive action - শাস্তিমূলক ব্যবস্থা
8. disturbing or manipulating - বিরক্ত বা হস্তক্ষেপ
9. impunity - মুক্তি
10. breaching discipline - শৃঙ্খলা লংঘন
11. cognizable offence - দোষী সাব্যস্ত অপরাধ
12. errant party - অসভ্য দল
13. exemplarily punished - উদাহরণস্বরূপ শাস্তি
14. political affiliation -রাজনৈতিক অন্তর্ভুক্তি
Full sub editorial......
Unbridled BCL men
When will they be reined in?
The Chittagong University authorities were forced to postpone a graduation test for journalism students on Thursday when activists of the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) refused to allow examinees to enter the exam hall. And this because the university authorities did not allow one of their men to sit for the exam.
The activist in question was barred from taking the exam for assaulting another BCL leader with a deadly weapon. Is this type of behaviour acceptable on a university campus, or anywhere else, for that matter? Following such behaviour, did the authorities not have full right to bar the BCL man from sitting for the exam?
Yet, BCL men have made it a routine to cause such disruptions on university campuses and in other places, causing all sorts of problems for students and the public in general. And there has been little remorse or shame, and no punitive action at all, for the lawlessness of some of these cadres. There are numerous other similar examples in regards to BCL men disturbing or manipulating university activities, government tenders, etc.
It would not be wrong to suggest that things have gotten to this point because of the impunity that has been afforded to BCL men over the years. We are pleased to hear that on this instance the Chhatra League central executive committee has reportedly suspended two of the activists involved for "breaching discipline of the organisation". But is that enough for an act that is a cognizable offence? We hope that the errant party cadres will be exemplarily punished to send a message that no one, regardless of political affiliation, is above the law. 

The Daily Star_Editorial: 21.04.2017

Daily Star Vocabulary 21-04-2017

###- The growing strategic importance of Bangladesh to China.....(Editorial)
1. enormous bilateral assistance - অসাধারণ দ্বিপাক্ষিক সহায়তা
2. littoral state - উপকূলীয় রাজ্য
3. consolidate influence - সুসংহত প্রভাব
4. investment pledge - বিনিয়োগ অঙ্গীকার
5. exert - জাহির করা(assert, advertise,show off)
6. repercussion - প্রতিক্রিয়া
7. lucrative market -লাভজনক বাজার
8. armament - রণসজ্জা
9. inevitably result - অনিবার্যভাবে ফলাফল
10. vigorously market - জোরালো বাজার
### - United we stand, overbooked we fall........(Opinion)
1. sumptuous - অতীব ব্যয়বহুল
2. aviation - বিমানচালনা বিদ্যা
3. mayhem - মারপিট
4. euphemism - শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতার পদের প্রয়োগ
###-Killed for pursuing studies! ..............(sub editorial)
1. Reprehensible - নিন্দনীয়
2. alleged - কথিত
3. patriarchal society - পিতৃতান্ত্রিক সমাজ
4. expatriate worker - প্রবাসী শ্রমিক
5. inquest report - তদন্ত রিপোর্ট
6. physical abuse - শারিরীক নির্যাতন
Full sub editorial......
Killed for pursuing studies!
Marufa Akhter is alleged to have been tortured and murdered by her in-laws over her decision to pursue higher secondary education after she was married off to a much older man in Jhalakathi. That her mother and Marufa opposed the marriage is of no consequence, as we live in a patriarchal society where fathers generally have the final say. Her husband is an expatriate worker and her in-laws did not take kindly to her attending college at Nalchity Degree College. Her mother alleges Marufa was tortured to death and the police inquest report states the body bore marks of injuries. The irony is that Marufa was a high performer in her secondary school certificate exams and had the support of her expatriate husband who encouraged her to study further.
We wonder what sort of a society condemns girls to physical abuse over education. The dark ages are upon us where in-laws now apparently have no qualms about resorting to violence in order to keep in check women who wish to break out of their surroundings through education, so that they may one day become empowered which only better education can ensure. This latest incident also brings to the fore the dangers presented by the practice of child marriage where a minor girl has little say in who she marries and when. We hope the police will be proactive in getting to the bottom of this alleged murder. Marufa's death should serve as a wakeup call for law enforcement because incidents like this are on the upswing nationwide and taking no action only encourages more of the same.

The Daily Star_Editorial: 20.04.2017

The Daily Star_Editorial: 20.04.2017

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দগুলোর অর্থসহ আজকের "The Daily Star" পত্রিকার সম্পাদকীয়। (তথ্য ও তত্ত্ব জানার পাশাপাশি English proficiency বৃদ্ধির উত্তম সুযোগ)
1. hostage - জিম্মি
2. transportation abstention - পরিবহন ধর্মঘট
3. exhaustive negotiations - সামগ্রিক আলোচনা
4. comply with - মেনে চলা
5. Meanwhile - এদিকে, ইতিমধ্যে
6. inordinate hours - অতিরিক্ত সময়
7. vain hope - নিরর্থক আশা
8. In the midst of - এর মাঝে, ইতিমধ্যে
9. commuters in general - সাধারণ যাত্রীরা
10. sigh of relief - মুক্তির নিশ্বাস ফেলা
11. immense influence - অপরিমেয় প্রভাব
12. political clout -রাজনৈতিক আশ্রয়
13. respite - বিরতি
14. drastic action - কঠোর ব্যবস্থা
15. errant bus - ভ্রমণরত বাস
16. crux of the problem - সমস্যার মূল বিষয়
17. powerful portfolios - শক্তিশালী দফতর
18. salvaging - উদ্ধার
Holding the government hostage
Transportation abstention called off
The latest transportation abstention in the city forces us to write yet another editorial on the matter. After exhaustive negotiations between the government and trade unions, the following was agreed upon: BRTA would stop its drive against buses overcharging in the name of “seating service” for 15 days, but these buses would comply with BRTA fare charts. Meanwhile, BRTA's mobile court drive will continue. Another meeting is scheduled to take place after this time period to decide whether authorities will take legal action against these bus services.
Dhaka residents had been forced to spend inordinate hours waiting on roads in the vain hope of struggling to get on overcrowded buses. In the midst of all this chaos, we were greeted by reports of the minister for Roads and Bridges expressing his helplessness to resolve the situation. While commuters in general will surely heave a sigh of relief, it is now obvious that some of the leading transport union leaders are also policymakers of the government – men of immense influence and political clout. The two weeks period that was agreed upon brings a very short respite for both commuters and authorities. We hope BRTA will remain firm and take drastic action should errant bus owners fail to stick to what has been agreed upon.
The crux of the problem remains the presence of people in government who hold powerful portfolios in ministries and are at the same time union leaders. There is conflict of interest and if we are even remotely interested in salvaging the transport sector from the rule of syndicates, then this requires the government to take steps against these vested elements within its ranks.