What is Future Perfect Continuous Tense, rules and Examples
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Perfect continuous Tense is made up of four main parts auxiliary verb will , auxiliary verb have auxiliary verb been and 1st form of base verb+ ing.
Future Perfect continuous Tense= Subject +will (Helping Verb) + have been (Auxiliary verb) + 1st Verb+ing+ Object.
Will have been –> (He, She, It, any Name, Singular noun, I, We, They, You, Plural Noun)
| Auxiliary Verb | Auxiliary Verb | Auxiliary Verb | Main Verb | Object |
And Plural Noun
| Will | Have | Been | 1stform+Ing | Rest Sentence |
Examples of Future Perfect continuous Tense according to structure
Positive Sentence
In positive sentences, we simply make the sentences according to Future Perfect continuous Tense rules.
For Example
- We will have been walking for two days.
- Steve will have been doing this job.
- I will have been playing for three hours.
- Shreya will have been feeling little stressed when I reach there.
- She will have been teaching me the lesson by the time our school starts.
Negative Sentences in the Future Perfect Continuous Tense
When we make negative sentences, we normally use not after auxiliary verb will and rest of the formula will be same.
Negative Future Perfect Continuous Tense = Subject + will (Helping Verb) + not + have been (Auxiliary verb) + 1st Verb+ing+ Object.
For example
- Mark will not have been attending his class for sure.
- Bob will not have been working on his dance.
- Steve will not have been using too much computer in the future.
- Rocky will not have been feeling bored when they leave him.
Yes/No Questions in the Future Perfect Continuous Tense
When you make any question that can be answered as yes or no, then you should start it with auxiliary verb followed by the subject, been and 1st form+ ing.
Yes/No Sentences = Will + Subject + have been + 1st Verb+ ing+ Object?
For example
- Will you have been watching that serial tonight?
- Will Leena have been washed her clothes for four hours?
- Will you have been solving all the questions?
- Will Mark have been reading that book for 3 hours?
Wh- Questions in Future Perfect Continuous Tense
When you make any question that starts with wh word, then you should start it from wh word and then add auxiliary verb, after that subject followed by been and 1st form+ ing..
Wh words are when, why, who, where, whom, how, what, how much, how many.
WH Sentences = Wh word + will (Helping Verb) + Subject + have been (Auxiliary verb) + 1st Verb+ing+ Object.
For example
- Which technology will she have been working, at that time?
- Where will you have been visiting?
- Why will she have been sending me these gifts?
- What will you have been doing with that book?
Tag Questions in the Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Tag questions are those questions which are answered at the end of the sentence. They can be simply made by adding auxiliary verbs.
For examples
- I will have been visiting the market, will you not have been?
- She will have been working, will she not have been?
You can also use tag questions in positive sentences
- She will not have been reading news paper, will she have been?
- Those girls will not have been playing basketball, will they have been?
More Examples to unfold some other aspects of Future Perfect Continuous Tense
- I will not have been voting this candidate when elections come.
- Will she not have been buying something for you?
- Why will Steve not have been waiting for us?
- Will you not have been washing my car?
- Where will Mark not have been looking at?
Rules and Uses of Future Perfect Continuous Tense
- Since/for with by the future indicating word
- Cause for something in future
- Duration before something in future
Since/for with by the future indicating word
To express any action where by with future indication words like next and tomorrow and since/for with another time is given then we use future perfect continuous tense.
For example
- By next Sunday, she will have been staying at our home for two weeks.
- By tomorrow, we will have been giving our support to him for five days.
Cause for something in future
We use future perfect continuous tense when we have to express cause of some future situation.
For example
- You will be taking lunch because you will have been washing the clothes for 5 hours.
- I will have been making notes for the whole night tomorrow so I will be taking a comfort sleep tonight.
Duration before something in future
To express an action that will be continued until any other even occurs.
For example
- Those girls will have been talking to each other before the teacher comes.
- He will have been living in my house by the next month.
I hope you have enjoyed this article and get what you wanted. So this was all about what is Future perfect continuous tense, rules and examples. If you feel any problem regarding this topic then comment below so that we can solve out your problems.
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