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Monday, 6 February 2017

What does the poet compare this young person to? Identify at least three qualities that make the person superior to the simile.

“Shall I Compare Thee to a summer’s day?” by William Shakespeare is a famous sonnet. In the sonnet Shakespeare compares the beauty of a young man, his friend to the day of the summer. But he is not sure about the appropriateness to this comparison because of at least three reasons. Firstly the day of the summer is lovely but the beauty of the youth is more enjoyable. He is more temperate, more gentle, more restrained than the day of the summer. Rough winds shake the sweet buds of the flower. Secondly summer stays very short period. The beauty of the youth will live for long. Thirdly the bright sunlight of the summer which would be dimmed is compared. But the beauty of his friend is compared as eternal summer which shall not fade. Death and Time cannot destroy the beauty of the youth.


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